General assembly, May 22, 2019

On May 22, 2019, the General assembly of the Learned Society of Slovakia took place in the Auditorium of the QUTE Center for Quantum Information Research, Institute of Physics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. It was was devoted to the preparation of the election of new members and the evaluation of the effect of the efforts of the Learned Society of Slovakia to improve the state of science, research and education in Slovakia.

Photo: Vladimír Kuric

Introductory presentation by the president of UČSS.

Chairman of the SAS prof. Šajgalík during the presentation on the state of SAS.

Vice-president of SAS prof. Samuely during the presentation on the state of SAS.

Professors Šajgalík and Moczo watch the presentation of prof. Samuely.

Voting in the election of a member of the UčSS Council.

Prof. Podlubný elected a member UčSS Council.

Prof. Luby during the discussion.

Prof. Pastorek during the discussion.

Prof. Urban during the discussion.

Prof. Noga during the discussion.

Prof. Masarik during the discussion.

Dr. Majková during the discussion.

Doc. Berek during the discussion.

Doc. Breier during the discussion.

Ing. Zahradníková during the discussion.

Dr. Ondriáš during the discussion.